When consolidating student loans is important to know what you get in first. As with any financial decision, you should do your homework before signing on the dotted line. consolidation of student loans is not a difficult process, but there are many rules and regulations in place that you should know before deciding to consolidate your student loans into one loan to manage. This is a list of some of the most important rules and regulations regarding the consolidation of student loans. Make sure you understand each of these rules before going ahead with the consolidation loan. 

loan consolidation for students is free
Obtaining a consolidation loan student loan is a free, do not pay a fee to consolidate. If the lender requires an upfront payment to consolidate your student loans, most likely a scam and you should take your business elsewhere. This scam is often referred to as a "right to advance loan scam," and is relatively common in the student loan consolidation world. 

You can not consolidate again at school
You can consolidate your student loans only after the loans enter your grace period, which is six months after graduation or leaving school. You can also consolidate one loan repayment to begin taking into account the consolidation before this point. It may not be beneficial for everyone, but it is certainly worth taking a look at the numbers to see if it would save money and make their loans more manageable. 

You can consolidate loans for students in Your Name
This rule seems pretty obvious, but in some cases where the student is married or has the names of his parents on student loans, which may be involved students and parents can consolidate their student loans, but can not combine them into a consolidation loan - must be independent. The same is true for married students who have both educational debt. From 2006, married students may not combine their student loan debt consolidation loan - may, however, each has its own consolidation loan. 

Students and graduates can consolidate with a lender
There are no restrictions that limit what lenders are eligible to consolidate student loans, so you can choose any lender you wish. This allows you to shop around for the lender, better rates and incentives. Keep in mind that most lenders require you to have a minimum balance for a total of $ 7.500 or more times. 

Students eligible for federal consolidation loans
Any type of federal student loans can be consolidated, including student loans. That said, you can consolidate a consolidation loan into force once, but not under all circumstances. To connect a consolidation loan, you must add a student loan consolidation does not include before. In this case, the interest rate could be reconfigured using a formula to assess the interest rate of age with a new rate application filed by a student loan that is added to the mixture. Note that a consolidation loan student loan uses a weighted average of all student loans included in the calculation of interest rates - reconsolidation in the future is not completely reset the interest rate. 

Consolidation loans offer terms of payment
The standard function for payment of federal student loan plans for 10 years. When consolidating student loans, you can extend these terms to 12-30 years depending on the amount due. As with any loan, however, is not recommended to extend the term of the loan because the interest will be the most ready exists. It is recommended to repay the loan as soon as possible. That said, the extension of payment plan loan consolidation can help people better pay lower payments caused by a longer repayment plan. 

No prepayment penalty
You can pay your student loan consolidation at any time without risk of prepayment penalties. I recommend paying the debt consolidation loan as soon as possible to avoid some of the financial costs and ease the financial burden as soon as possible. Make sure you make extra payments each month, the lender will report that the additional amount should go toward the beginning of the loan rather than future payments.for more detail about student loans click the link essential rules for student loans


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